Global Glass Front Vendor GF9

The GGF9™s quick drink delivery (less than 8 seconds) and user-friendly features make it the best Glass Front Vendor available!
Certifications & Requirements – ADA compliant, UL certified, ENERGY STAR qualified and meets or exceeds DOE & EPA requirements.
Unique Product Catcher – The product catcher is based on advanced, cutting-edge technology. It is designed to scoop the product from the bottom and cradle it to the vend hopper, preventing any drops. Its simple design makes it highly reliable and easy to maintain.
Electronics Drawer – The major electronic components are housed in a removable, roll-out drawer located on the right side of the machine. The drawer design allows easy access to major electronic components for hassle-free servicing.
Energy Management Features – These features are included on every model and make the GGFV one of the most energy efficient glass front vendors available: LED lighting, real time clock, lighting and refrigeration controls and cyclopentane injected foam insulation (HFC free).
Two Position Trays & First-In-First-Out (FIFO) Loading – Each removable, lightweight tray pulls out and can be angled downward for easy product filling. New products can be loaded behind existing products to ensure proper rotation and delivery of cold product to customer. FIFO loading reduces inventory waste by dispensing older products before newer refills.
LED Illumination – High intensity interior LED lights standard. LED technology eliminates expensive bulb replacements while providing brighter product illumination. LED lights are more energy efficient and provide lower overall life costs.