IIC Garrison


Eliminate human error from stock control creating a usage-based environment that can reduce waste and increase productivity, Seaga’s industrial vending system, Intelligent Inventory Control (IIC), allows companies to stock what they need when they need it, and in the most effective location they need it providing transparency on all levels utilizing a reporting system capable of automatic user defined critical inventory escalation alerts.
In combination with the IIC Kick™ for expanded storage and field
distribution, the Garrison”” is a perfect addition to the IIC family. Compatible with a robust cloud-based software package that completely integrates with reporting features, the Garrison”” provides a clear and conclusive accounting of any organizations supply usage enabling the precise forecasting and reduction of inventory levels by 50% or more.
Seaga’s industrial vending management system optimizes productivity by reducing inventory expenditures, monitoring consumable inventory, and providing 24/7 access to MRO tools and a variation of other consumable resources in manufacturing, construction, safety, and PPE equipment, as well as office, and medical supplies.
Like all of Seaga’s industrial vending machines, the IIC Garrison”” engages in a loT sensibility allowing it to securely log, track, sum, report, and communicate inventory usage data within a satellite of machines positioned tactically throughout the work environment or as a standalone.


  • Energy Efficient LED Lighting

  • Customizable Coil Sizes

  • Customizable Product Storage

  • Direct Connections for Power and Ethernet/Cellular

  • High-Security Combination Dispensing

  • loT Integration

  • Product Dispensing Kits

  • Large Viewable Area

  • Check-In/Check-Out available with Lockers

  • Standalone or with Auxiliary Lockers

Specifications Location Dimensions
Width 34″
Height 73.5″
Depth 28.25″
Shipping Weight 410 lbs


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