Andamiro Shaq’s Garage Tic Shaq Toe

Inspired by Genius Brands’ “Shaq’s Garage,” an animated action-comedy series for children starring and co-produced by the legendary Shaquille O’Neal, Tic SHAQ Toe adds an exciting brand to the arcade industry’s basketball genre. The kids program follows the adventures of O’Neal’s unusual collection of anthropomorphic cars, trucks and other vehicles known as the “Shaq Paq.” Andamiro’s Tic SHAQ Toe ingeniously adapts an age-old pursuit into a free-throw arcade game basketball game.

Decked out in a colorful Shaq’s Garage graphics package, Tic SHAQ Toe Basketball for arcades is easy to play, family friendly and challenging for players of all ages. One person can compete against the game’s computer, or two can go head to head. Players do their best to shoot a ball into one of the nine baskets arranged in the 3×3 tic-tac-toe grid. The first player to complete a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of three Xs (or Os) wins the match. If no one wins, the game ends in a draw.

To keep things interesting, Tic SHAQ Toe boasts three gameplay programs. While the machine’s default setting is “fix” play, which maintains a basket’s X or O square once a shot is made, operators can reset Tic SHAQ Toe to change up play styles. In one option, a successful shot in the opposing player’s X or O basket becomes their X or O. Or it can be set to “clear” play, whereupon a shot in the opposing player’s X or O removes that basket’s X or O.


  • Easy to play. Family friendly

  • Classic pencil and paper game comes to life

  • Beat computer in one-player game

  • Go head-to-head in two-player mode

  • Inspired by new animated series premiering on Genius Brands’ Kartoon Channel!

  • Everyone will XOXO Tic SHAQ Toe!

Specifications Location Dimensions
Width 50″
Depth 110″
Height 130″
Weight 500 lbs

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